Using the Image Slideshow and Video Playlist Plugin
Update: This post is outdated. Please reference to this new post instead
In one of our more technical posts, we explained how you can add custom sources to your XSplit Broadcaster presentation using configurable SWF files. Obviously that article is targeted more towards developers and technical people. With that in mind, we decided to create this blog post too that will instead just explain how normal users can use the newly-created image slideshow and video playlist plugin.
To start things off, you need to first click on “Add SWF plugin…” under the File menu. This will open up the “SwfPlugins” folder, look for the file “ImageLoader.swf” for image slideshow and the file “VideoLoader.swf” for video playlist. It will then add a blank element on your stage which you can easily configure by right clicking that source and clicking “Configure”. Another small window will open and you can now do what you want. Just don’t forget to press OK to save your changes. Here’s a screenshot of how the window look like:
Image Slideshow configuration window
Video Playlist configuration window
“Slideshow Controls” for Image Slideshow and “Video Controls” for Video Playlist buttons works immediately upon click, affecting the current show as needed. But for the other controls just like the “Playlist Controls” buttons on the Video Playlist configuration window, the “OK” button will have to be clicked in order for the playlist to be updated. Please note that the Video Playlist uses the FLVPlayback flash component and so only supports a limited number of file types.
That should be it. These two new sources should give you more options with your presentation. See it in action!