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XSplit will be Attending Brasil Game Show 2015

Melvin Dichoso
February 29, 20161분 읽을거리

We are thrilled to announce that we will be attending one of the largest video game conventions in South America if not the largest, the Brasil Game Show.

XSplit at Brasil Game Show 2015

Our PR & Marketing representative in Brazil called Content Academy will be attending the event to meet with various organizations and business representatives, as well as interact and engage with the general audience inside the venue.

While we will not be having our own booth, our representatives will be roaming inside for the entire duration of the event. That being said, expect them to relay some important announcements about XSplit’s presence in Brazil and things that the Brazilian and South American audiences have to expect going forward.

We will be sharing some event content as they happen on our main social media channels, but if you’re looking for more than a handful updates then make sure to follow our Brazilian Twitter and Facebook channels as they will ensure you’ll get every possible update as if you’re in the event! 🙂

See you in the event!

Melvin Dichoso

A basketball junkie, blogger, headphone enthusiast, aspiring chef, and traveler wannabe. Does social media and various other stuff for XSplit.저자가 작성한 다른 게시물